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 1. Robert Duncan Romeo and Juliet as a Mystery Play  Lecture at UC Berkeley, 2-8-72  
 2. Marc Smith Pictures of Traces of Places, People, and Groups  UC Berkeley School of Information Distinguished Lecture Series  
 3. Carl Malamud (Re-)Defining the Public Domain  Distinguished Lecture Series, UC Berkeley School of Information  
 4. Fred Schneider What Price Insularity? Dialogs about Computer Security Failings  UC Berkeley School of Information Distinguished Lecture Series  
 5. Craig Newmark Innovation in Social Entrepreneurship and the Social Uses of ICT  Distinguished Lecture Series, UC Berkeley School of Information  
 6. Charles Olson Casual Mythology  Lecture at the Berkeley Poetry Conference, July 1965  
 7. Donald A. Norman Cautious Cars, Cranky Kitchens, Demanding Devices  UC Berkeley School of Information Distinguished Lecture Series  
 8. David Clark The Internets We Did Not Build  UC Berkeley School of Information, Distinguished Lecture Series  
 9. Henry Jenkins Combating the Participation Gap: Why New Media Participation Matters  UC Berkeley School of Information, Distinguished Lecture Series  
 10. Helen Nissenbaum Privacy in Context  UC Berkeley School of Information Distinguished Lecture Spring 2008  
 11. Henry Jenkins Combating the Participation Gap: Why New Media Literacy Matters  UC Berkeley School of Information Distinguished Lecture Spring 2008  
 12. Robert Creeley The Language  Robert Creeley reading at the Berkeley Poetry Conference, Berkeley, CA, July 22, 1965   
 13. Robert Creeley The Rocks  Robert Creeley reading at the Berkeley Poetry Conference, Berkeley, CA, July 22, 1965  
 14. Robert Creeley The Chance  Robert Creeley reading at the Berkeley Poetry Conference, Berkeley, CA, July 22, 1965  
 15. Robert Creeley I  Robert Creeley reading at the Berkeley Poetry Conference, Berkeley, CA, July 22, 1965  
 16. Robert Creeley Something  Robert Creeley reading at the Berkeley Poetry Conference, Berkeley, CA, 1965  
 17. Amiri Baraka The Revolutionary Theatre  Berkeley Poetry Conference, UC Berkeley, July 1965  
 18. Amiri Baraka The Revolutionary Theatre  Berkeley Poetry Conference, UC Berkeley, July 1965  
 19. Charles Olson Contemporaries  Berkeley Poetry Conference, UC Berkeley, July 20, 1965  
 20. Mr. Bungle Super Mario Bros. Theme  Berkeley, CA 01/13/91   
 21. Mr. Bungle Super Mario Bros. Theme  Berkeley, CA 01/13/91   
 22. Ajahn Amaro The Eight Worldly Winds  Berkeley  
 23. Jimi Hendrix Freedom  Berkeley   
 24. Mr. Bungle Super Mario Bros. Theme  Berkeley, CA 01/13/91   
 25. Ten Ton Chicken The Shovel  Rasputin Berkeley Aug-24-03  
 26. Ten Ton Chicken Rag  Rasputin Berkeley Aug-24-03  
 27. Ten Ton Chicken Mama's Cork  Rasputin Berkeley Aug-24-03  
 28. Ten Ton Chicken Sometimes  Rasputin Berkeley Aug-24-03  
 29. Jack Johnson Taylor  2004-08-27 - Berkeley, CA    
 30. Jack Johnson Taylor  2004-08-27 - Berkeley, CA    
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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